- Framed Moose Photogragh, by John Rondeau
- Oil Painting of the Chatham Church, by Diane Scott
- Butter Hill Hideway “Glamping” Package, by Lori Steere
- Hand-Crafted Decorative Wreath, by Lisa Rondeau
- Farm-Raised Fresh Christmas Tree, by the Portanova Family
- 8” x 8” Family Tree Shadow Box, by Alina Eastman
- Driveway Grading, by Alan Eastman
- 2 Jackson Nordic Ski Touring Passes
- 1 Cord Split, Green Firewood, by Western Maine Timberlands
- Homemade Quilt, by Beverly Aiman
- 1 Oil Change and State Inspection, by Boost Barn
- Half Gallon of Maple Syrup, by Nate & Kate's Maple
- Black Walnut Seedlings, by Chester Eastman Homestead
- Stained Glass Lampshade, by Paul & Ann Loscocco
- Crocheted Pocket Shawl, by Maria Palmisano
- The Winter Lodge, a children's book, by Gwen Reiss
- Framed Vintage Chatham Postcards, by Paul Loscocco
- 1-year Subscripton to the Cold River Chronicle, by David Crouse
- Tai Chi, an Introductory Class, by Pam Katz
- Box of 36 Homemade Tied Flies, by Becky Knowles
- Hand-made Quilted Coverlet with Vintage Squares, by Ann Fargo
- Giant “Jenga” Blocks, by Rich Fargo
- Pickup Truck Load of Manure, by Riley Pitman
- Evergreen Wreath, by Lisa Moore
- Wrought Iron Boot Scraper, by Susie Eastman
- Chatham Jacket, by Susie Eastman
- Commercial Oven, by AMC Cold River Camp
- Oh! Look! Baby Loons!, a children's book, by Fran West
- Wildlife Photography Calendar, Michelle Luongo
- Lithograph Poster Baldface Glades, by Louise Perry
- 2 Adirondack Chair Cushions, by Diane Scott
- Bird Feeders, by Russell Record
- Weston's Farm $100 CSA Share
- Irvings gift card, $50
- Sherman Farm gift card, $25
- Fair Grounds Coffee gift card, $25
- White Birch Books gift card, $25
- Stow Corner Store gift card, $25
- Fly Away Farm gift card, $25
Food Items:
- Coconut Cake by Jane Nesbitt,
- 5-pounds Hamburg by Riley Pitman,
- Bread by Judy Bailey,
- Butter by Jeanne Eastman,
- Pumpkin Pie by Jeanne Eastman,
- 1-pound Bacon & 1-Pound Sausage by Kim & Patrick Callen,
- Cranberries by Doug Beaton,
- Pickles by Cheryl Collins and John & Lisa Lewis,
- Jam by Carolyn Brown.
And more!